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The Most Under-Rated Plugin Ever

Imagine, you're looking for some new plugins on YouTube, Splice, or wherever you get your plugins from. You come across a new one you've never seen before. You download it, load it into your DAW, and start playing around with it. You realize that it is, in fact, the greatest thing since sliced bread. What plugin is this? It's Vital by Matt Tytel.

There is no question that this is definitely the best synth plugin out there for any kind of production. You can make huge basses, sharp leads, beautiful pads, and all kinds of SFX for your productions. On a tier list, this is at the top of S Tier.

When you look at it, it may seem a bit intimidating with all of its knobs and such, but it doesn't get simpler than this really. Its basically Serum, but free. Hell, you can even put skins on it to make it look just the way you want. I would say that this plugin is far better that Nexus, Serum, Sylinth1, or any plugins related to those. Although you may need to watch a few YouTube tutorials on how to use it, I definitely recommend it for any budget producer who could use it.

Matt Tytel also has another really good free plugin called Helm, which is somewhat like Vital, but still its own plugin.

Here's the website to download it on: Vital - Spectral Warping Wavetable Synth

Go check it out, I dare you...

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